Gaming At Bexl Capital

Bexl Capital aims to reinvent the concept of gaming in the African setting by leveraging the blockchain technology and gaming innovations. We aim to redefine the way people, (Africans in particular) view computer and video gaming and introduce new ideas now possible in the gaming industry to both gamers and gaming investors.

Our goal is to create the largest computer gaming community in Africa and compete to be the largest in the world.

With the introduction of blockchain gaming and the ability to earn while building a profitable lasting career as a gamer, Bexl Capital aims to congregate gamers across Africa and partner with them on this journey. We adopt a 3 tier approach.


Star Atlas


My Neighbor Alice

Alien Worlds

This approach involves employing dedicated gamers or regular individuals interested in playing games, letting them explore and select their favourite blockchain games, helping them cross the monetary hurdle of playing these games by sponsoring them to play the games, and then Finally paying them to play the games which includes regular achievement bonuses. This group constitute Bexl’s own in house dedicated gamers and are part of the Bexl Family.

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This involves collaborating with people already familiar with the blockchain gaming space. We help them navigate all the blockchain and in-game monetary mechanics, from the payment, to the earning, to the extraction of earned tokens, to the minting and sales of nfts, to advice on general market outlook, earned token trading, nft trading, nft market places pros and cons, nft and token blockchain migration and transferability. In short, we ensure that the only thing they worry about is playing and enjoying the game. This service is available for a base fee and profit sharing percentage.

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We plan to collaborate with existing African game companies who have launched playable games on pc or the mobile app stores and assist them in integrating the blockchain play to earn model into their existing games to help them improve the gaming incentive, relaunch and contribute in redefining the gaming industry.

Coming Soon

Check out playable games at Bexl Capital

Games At Bexl


No. 46, Alaafin Avenue, Zion House, Oluyole Industrial estate, Ibadan.



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